Tag Archives: Trump is not my president

D.C. The 8th Annual Black is Back Conference & March on The White House This Week!


If ever there was a time to make note of a very important social event… And this
occurs on the upcoming 4th and 5th of November… Black is Back Rally, march and conference in Washington, D.C., has arrived for the 8th year! If you think this is a year to skip out on, I ask you to please reconsider… Things have been escalating for for hundreds of years, but as we clearly see, things are getting even more increasingly out of control regarding hate crimes, racism and this government. So, any glimmer of hope a select few may have believed in should be more than clearly gone now (if it were ever even there.)

In my opinion it is more vital now than ever for social action and unity… SO! Below you will find all the information you need regarding the 8th Annual Black is Back Rally, March & Conference starting November 4th.

Visit the Official Page if you are looking for information regarding travel arrangements and such.

Facebook Even Page HERE.

Official Page & Further Information HERE.

8th Annual Black is Back Rally, March & Conference

Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: Trump Wants to Return to the ‘Dark History of This Country’ [Trump VS Real Men]

Finally, people are speaking the truth many of us who aren’t asleep knew from the moment that psycho decided he should be any form of government official. We are citizens of America right? Answer me this, then. As “Americans” is it not too much to do exactly what they say we are to do if this ever happens; this being a racist, sexist, fat, orange psychopathic tyrant.

I am ashamed to say I am American, I’ve been since I was 14 and saw how cops have a badge to kill innocent people; especially if those people are not white, and then walk away from the crime with the same bloody guns in their slimy, blood stained hands. If you’re not American and reading this, please know this government does NOT represent ALL of the people! I must post this because I’ve got a busy schedule however I also have announcements to share that will be propelling this site and new sites as well as upcoming events and talks, among other things. I have been away for far too long but it was worth it… My seeking, studying, and continuously searching the vast REAL knowledge most Americans are never taught and too many do not even want to hear and growing my spiritual connection by the blessings of our Afrikan Ancestors;…all of this has made me stronger in all regards and my purpose -though it was already known- will now be fulfilled. And that means my changing in ways that only hurt my purposes; one being, sharing knowledge.

More on that really soon. For now, here is what we all need to be using the government of America’s founding documents to rid ourselves from the police state and truancy of Trump. It DOES matter. We are going backwards; say what you will of President Obama, but he never tried  to reverse American progress, well being or health care. He was harassed with hate and racism as his precious little princesses did/do. But President Obama, being a man with integrity and maturity  -not to mention stable mind- didn’t go off the handle, even though he would have had more legit reason to be angry at the media and others for he had horrible comments and lies being spoken.

He let his actions speak. No one has to agree with the sickness of Syria and other countries; but as a whole… you can simply look at Obama in the eyes and then look into the eyes of Donald Trump…And the person whom is a man of value and an actual man. 

While I’ll leave out -for now- what words I’d use to explain what Donald Trump is, I’ll start an upcoming posts topic by adding;

“…the person whom is a man of value and an actual man. Most people will know that I mean, of course, the missed President, Barack Obama. Trump is honestly a sorry and pathetic excuse and misrepresentation of what it means to be a “man.” He also is a horrific and a vile, disgusting, delirious joke of humans as a whole.

Trump has had his ‘power’ if you wanna call it that; but now it’s a position within the government… To support him is to support those he also has -or tries to have- in office… All whom are women haters, racist whites with lazy European ancestors who did not build Amerikkka, but sat and got fat while treating men, women and children of legal enslavement, abuses spoken and unspoken, violence and fear unknown…

Trump with Sessions and Pence alone are walking images of the overseers, of the legal/government officials that were hunting down, murdering, abusing, misusing, brain washing, stealing and raping Black human beings. Not forgetting, these Black men AND women are why we have the most iconic sites in America; not just Washington DC; not just the white house, but ALL OVER America. And they did it to stay alive.

How things are regarding cops, prison, school, jobs, community, life or death for being alive; life or death being a risk if you dare do something as simple as go for a walk to get skittles or if you have a Pokemon card in your 12 year old hand. (Former case)

More writing with citations soon. Take action; and if you have any action that needs a volunteer; please let me know.


“It will be us who makes America great again.”

via Black Lives Matter Co-Founder: Trump Wants to Return to the ‘Dark History of This Country’ — Observer


Think Immigration Won’t Impact You Because You’re ‘LEGAL’?

“The simple statistic that 35 percent of our current farm labor force is made up of unauthorized workers points to a massive ripple effect in our agricultural economy and all that it touches (read: everything) were all those workers to magically disappear. But that’s the fairy-tale vision of the elimination of unauthorized labor. The reality is far messier, far more immediate, and far wider-reaching. Both authorized and unauthorized workers are affected by increasingly hostile federal attitudes to their labor…” – This information and documentation continues below, after a quick thought.

So, if you don’t think Trump and the immigration/refugee attack is important or that it will have no impact on you, your family or your life? Might want to rethink that after you read the following facts, with proof and back up evidence. The facts follow this little introduction of mine.
NOTE- I’m posting this as a side note; it is my belief it is the lives that matter most and should be of our utmost concern and importance. But in attempt to reach anyone inactive that may need “a little bit more” to care, and for those whom already care and simply seek information to add on to the reasons why the latest immigration policy -which is just as inhumane as his first- is a disgrace and threat to humanity.
Read about the posing terrorist threat to human life deemed “illegal” by clicking here.

Virtually all of the newly open agriculture jobs will pay poverty-line wages, and they won’t be opening up in the areas of the country where unemployment is the highest, as Alabama has proven. Unfortunately for anyone worried that unauthorized laborers are taking jobs away from citizens, that means that these open positions are unlikely to be filled — at least, not by currently unemployed American citizens. Otherwise, maybe Trump’s own winery wouldn’t have needed to request temporary worker visas for its employees.

In fact, it’s likely that Trump’s anti-immigration policies will result in even more jobs disappearing: As Kathleen Merrigan, executive director of sustainability at George Washington University and a former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture under Obama, told Eater’s Dana Hatic,

“Farmers, particularly those working in specialty crops, have already moved some of their operations outside of the country because they can’t find adequate labor.” Dave Runsten, policy director for the Community Alliance with Family Farmers, explained to Hatic that the effect of Trump’s immigration decisions will accelerate that process: “As wages go up and the availability of labor goes down … The largest farms will mechanize or move to Mexico or” — as at Trump Winery — “get Trump to let them import guest workers.”

Continuing reading and gaining access to further links of information and evidence(s), click here.

Another here.

Few more of my thoughts…

The American government of the “free world”… offering another look at what a true hypocritical country should be. America. Where we started out with vicious and sadistic abuse on the Natives and Africans and countless other nationalities by enslaving, following up with prejudice hate for anyone with Black or “dark” skin via further slavery under new names which are in effect to this very day via the police and prison industry (and school system but that’s for another time) and those are just a few examples of the continued racism which goes back centuries to the beginning of this country, and now includes anyone who do not hold a status of being truly “American”.

Yep, the good ol’ American government continues its legacy more blatantly and proud than it has in hundreds of years. This is just the beginning. When Trump said make Amerikkka great “again” he meant make it white and lazy again, but do it with a smile and pride for the other countries to see; screw hiding racism and prejudice behavior!
As this continues to progress from immigrants to citizens who are not white and/or rich, the more action you take now, the better chance we have of reversing and hopefully going down a NEW path for the first time in American HISTORY.


Immigration Policy- Trump’s Terrorist Attack Update

Friday, John Kelly signed new “sweeping” guidelines which would give the Federal authorities even further legalized power for both seasoned agents and patrol as well as the new 15,000+ newly hired to add even more aggression to their efforts in detaining and deporting undocumented immigrants.But Kelly’s draft doesn’t even stop there. If signed into law it also makes it legal to force the immediate return of Mexican immigrants upon seizure. 

This is insane and out of control; I can only hope it won’t be passed. Please read on and see the following links for more details on the developing criminal action in motion. And let us not forget the already occurring raids on immigrants going on right now; forcing many to flee for Canada.

“A U.S. official familiar with the documents did not dispute the accuracy of the memos signed by Kelly, which were originally scheduled for release Friday before they were postponed for White House review.

A White House official said the White House has raised objections with the documents and is working with DHS to finalize the policy. The official was not authorized to discuss the process publicly and insisted on anonymity.

Under the draft guidelines, Kelly seeks to “expeditiously hire” 10,000 more enforcement agents and 5,000 Border Patrol officers.

Seeking to fulfill Trump’s campaign promise to build a wall along the Mexican border, Kelly also calls on Customs and Border Protection to “immediately begin planning, design, construction and maintenance of a wall, including the attendant lighting, technology (including sensors), as well as patrol and access roads.”


Cali Lawmakers Working to Help Immigrants Statewide

This is a bit of hopeful news during a time of prejudice, racist hate-filled insanity by a person who is a danger and threat to any person. Something I think by now any humane person can clearly see. I hope Cali succeeds and may other states follow, until we have a real president.

Legislative Democrats in California have advanced a bill that would provide statewide sanctuary for immigrants by restricting local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

via California Lawmakers Aim To Make Whole State Immigration Sanctuary — CBS Sacramento

Demand President Obama’s Word & Nomination of Neil Grouch Honored

From time to time I post a petition, reason being some may not think they work however they do. Rather, they can. I’ve seen it happen on legal levels to more minor levels. So defend-the-court-180please, sign and share. Posting from email received; to sign takes literally 5 seconds if you are a slow typist. I don’t care if you like President Obama or not. If you’re out there toting your patriotic crap, you should respect the process that currently is being denied.

If you are a normal, good person; you should just want the right thing especially under an administration as scary and dangerous as this.

Our racist, misogynistic,fascist president has nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat – the same seat Senate Republicans stole from President Barack Obama.

Trump promised to nominate someone ready to follow in Scalia’s extremist footsteps and he’s delivered on that promise. Gorsuch’s extreme record could guarantee another generation under a conservative Supreme Court that wages war on women, workers, poor people, voting rights and the environment while giving unprecedented power to corporations and religious extremists.

Progressive champion Sen. Jeff Merkley has promised to use the filibuster to force Senate Republicans to get 60 votes to confirm Gorsuch. We need to make sure Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Schumer and every other Senate Democrat stand with Sen. Merkley and use their power to stand up for women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, workers, the environment and the bedrock principles of our democracy.

Tell Leader Schumer and all Senate Democrats: Block any Supreme Court nominee who won’t stand up for progressive values and the people most threatened by Trump’s dangerous agenda.

Protesting Trump and His Cruelty regarding immigrants

Right on! This may not change things but there is still benefit in protests……. I never thought I’d write about a presidency but Trump was the worst of all the choices; others would have been bad but none would have so heartlessly and so blatantly executed laws such as he did to those who who under President Obama had made some form of positive changes and progress within society, that can be said at the VERY least.

all lives matter blue lives black lives white lives
That’s what “Make Amerikkka Great AGAIN would do for America has NEVER been great; but made slow but steady progress…before Trump came

I’ll be posting on a new blog site dedicated to exposing Amerikkka’s history; from racism to other…and of course, I’ll be posting a lot on Trump’s lies & why he isn’t my president. I’ll post a link up to this site when I’ve got it up politics but history as well.

This site of course is staying up this is my main site plus it’s in regards to far more than just politics and history. i just didn’t want people who don’t wanna see truth to get bombarded by it and i also didn’t want trump covering my website

CLEVELAND – Hundreds of people gathered in Cleveland to protest President Donald Trump’s order that temporarily banned travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Protesters began their demonstration about 4 p.m. Friday at Cleveland’s Market Square on the west side of the city and marched several blocks before ending up downtown later in the evening. The…

via Hundreds in Downtown Cleveland Protesting the Immigration and Travel Ban — 93.1 WZAK

New Bill Proposed to Legalize Police Murders

pigs.png“According to the bill, city officials will be allowed to use “any means necessary” in order to break up a group of 10 or more protesters blocking traffic, “even to the point of costing lives.” -See Below

As if police departments across the US were not bad enough when it comes to double standards, racism, abuse or killing and walking away freely, now that President Obama is no longer in office the threat is at a higher risk than before. I am talking about Donald Trump, who is not my president by any means. Donald Trump, who refused to even meet or discuss the murder of Black men, women and children being beaten and killed at a highly disproportionate rate in a racist America. Under him, a bill being proposed is actually a threat in my opinion among countless other issues.

This bill I speak of in detail below, but let me start with it’s a bill that actually will allow the cops to legally take a persons life if they are blocking traffic. Under virtually any other government I’d not be worried. But under this empty and lost government which is not mine, anything could occur.

Before we go into the details of the proposed bill; it’s not as though things were great with the cops before, under any president! The lack of accountability police account for (unless the victim is a white child), their protective blue shields and the risks we’ve seen a couple of good cops take for the sake of speaking out; the lack of accountability due to loop holes (and racism) in our government, and going all the way back to the roots of the police, which are the slave patrols and the “good ol’ boy system”.

This system Continue reading New Bill Proposed to Legalize Police Murders