Category Archives: Freedom

Black history studies- Online Workshop for Kids! TEACH YOUTH ABOUT BLACK POWER & LEADERS! JULY 2021 ONLINE! SHARE!

We Need to Realize the Dreams of Young Black Immigrants…



“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” – Emma Lazarus


They are Black! They Are Beautiful! And, they too have a dream!

The current tension over protecting the dreamers is merely an extension of an historical conflict between those in America who support the sentiments espoused on the base of the Statue of Liberty and those who want a country that fulfills the most egregious desire of White Supremacists, to purge the country of non-white residents on their road to fulfilling their vision of an all-White America.

Last week, the nation bore witness when the president dispelled all doubt about the racist ideology that undergirds the agenda of his white house. Trump allegedly demanded to know during a White House meeting on immigration, why he should accept immigrants from “shithole” (Black) countries like Haiti or Africa–I’m not sure if the president realizes Africa is not a country but a continent—rather than White countries like Norway.

This was not the first time the president put his full racist attitude on display. The country saw it throughout the 2016 presidential campaign and again and again since he took office.

The president’s apparent attitude toward people of color is not only telling but also threatening to the hundreds of thousands of dreamers at risk of deportation since he ended DACA last September. Although the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked Trump’s efforts to stymie the DACA program last week, the ultimate fate of the dreamers remains uncertain.

Amid the discussions on the probable racist ideology permeating the white house and the president’s implementation of obvious racist immigration policies that have resulted to date, there are nearly 3.7 million Black immigrants who account for about 8.4 percent of all immigrants—many of them from the very countries the president recently disparaged.

According to a report by the Center for American Progress, among the largest groups of Black immigrants, 48 percent are from the Caribbean, 43 percent from various African countries, and 3.6 percent from South America. Black immigrants also make up 25 percent of at least five major metropolitan areas including Boston, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, and Seattle.

The president has also inferred that immigrants from countries like Norway are preferable. He never qualified that statement. However, if his preference is based on qualifications rather than race, we must assume he is unaware of the fact that Black immigrants have as high a rate of education and employment as any other group of immigrants.

For example, 29 percent of Black immigrants have a bachelor’s degree or higher compared to 30 percent from White nations, and at least 29 percent have some college or an associates degree compared to only 19 percent from other countries.

Another area where the president is ill informed is in regard to employment. The reality is that at least 73 percent of Black immigrants sixteen years of age and older are employed, compared to 67 percent of all immigrants and only 64 percent of those born in America.

Currently, there are about 11,000 Black immigrants under DACA protection, although the Migration Policy Institute has estimated there are 36,000 African immigrants eligible for the deferred action.

There are those who believe African Americans should not sit idly by on the issue of immigration. Make your voices heard on this issue. Call your congressman, attend a rally, raise your voice in this discussion.

As the president and his supporters continue to push their racist agenda, minorities can not afford to sit silent. We have learned from history—to be silent is to be complicit. We must speak out before silence morphs from complicity to something more sinister. As history has also taught us—silence, equals death.

You can reach your U.S. representative by calling (202) 225-3121, and your U.S. senators at (202) 224-3121. Ask the operator to connect you to the individual office. To find out the name of your representative, enter your zip code here:

Center for American Progress Note: Data analysis of 2016 American Community Survey 1-year public use microdata accessed via Steven Ruggles, Katie Genadek, Ronald Goeken, Josiah Grover, and Matthew Sobek, “Integrated Public Use Microdata Series: Version 7.0” (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2017), available at Labor force participation rates reflect the civilian, noninstitutionalized population.

Feature photo: Photo taken at a U.S. Naturalization Ceremony. (U.S. National Archives)

Originally posted here.

To Real Men in Newark Nj Who’re Fed Up & Want To Be a Part Of Change, Check This: Happening Tonight [10/18/2017]

newark nj minutemen

Happening today October 18th, 2017, one starts at 3pm, the other at 6pm in Newark, NJ; if you are in the metro area, NYC, Newark, anywhere near… Please make sure to join and check it out… And as the photo to the left says,

“…we must be ready at a minutes notice to respond to the needs of our communities and our families!”

Not only is that real, but you can be a part of it and I hope you will be. Please share!
newark nj 10 18 2017

This Thursday, Newark Anti-Violence Coalition With Ingrid Hill!

Reposting for my personal hero, I’m honored to also say my fam and a dear friend; Bashir. Every Thursday you can go and learn new things that you won’t learn anywhere else…. Below is this weeks info; please spread it around and check it out if you in NYC or Newark, NJ, or anywhere else making Newark accessible. His PR begins:

“I was told tonight by the Vice Chairperson of POP, Ms. Ingrid Hill, that sister Durden will be at this Thursday’s POP meeting. She will be reaching out to the mighty Newark Anti-Violence Coalition (NAVC) for additional support. Let see if support is there for an action. If you are serious about justice, then we will see you at POP’s weekly meeting this Thursday! POP’s meeting place is at Abyssinia Baptist Church 
224 West Kinney Street, Newark, New Jersey, 07101. The meeting starts at 6:30pm. 

Stop the Violence!!! Black Power!!! All Power to the People!!! Hotep!!! Peace in the Streets!!! 

Bashir Muhammad Akinyele

-Community Activist 


-Member of the Newark Anti-Violence Coalition (NAVC)

#NJcom “

Immigration Bans… Making America Whiter; Trump Attacks

By the way, thanks goes to all of the many cities/towns that are standing up against these evil and cruel immigration bans and etc. with any form of resistance. 
Of course, Trump is not taking resistance kindly; I’m surprised he hasn’t done something already. I honestly do not understand why Trump is still in office but that’s an article for another time. 
Below is an article on what Trump is doing to try and punish any area where moral is shown by behaving-in this instance, on this topic– humane and moral. Finally.

I must note here, I understand none of the states are perfect. For example, the state of Cali alone is guilty of immoral behavior regarding police brutality, racism, “three strikes you’re out” law, capital punishment, prison, etc. And no, other states aren’t much better in those areas. But anyone helping the people Trump is hunting deserves at least some positive attention for their attempts. 

On the contrary we have Texas. Instead of showing humane resistance of protection; Texas has many counties petitioning to have more immigration officials come down and shatter homes and rip families apart by labeling them illegal. Absolutely disgusting. Not the Texas really known for being progressive


Taking a country back to its origins and claiming them great. That is what Trump claims he is doing?… Sure that is what he’s trying to do. And if your white American you’re probably unaware of what that means. So let’s think about it really fast.

America; the great country or, used to be great… 

It was great during slavery, when taking it from the natives, maintaining that women are inferior, having the white audacity to deny true history, create false history in its place, deem oneself superior to others, Etc… Sure. That’s what we all want to go back to.

Wrong. Wrong if you’re not a racist, white male. Wrong if you’re not completely brainwashed.  

The little progress of this country has made he is reversing. Make America great again is to make America white again. And it is sadly clear that there are too many who- for some reason- think this is a good thing….??? Either that or they’re too brainwashed to understand and see this for what it really is…which is really tragic & disgrace to anyone who has any form of moral, a heart or even the most basic of standards.
If you really want to make America great again you’ll be fighting against the corruption that Trump is putting in place or attempting to put in place. So, I have  gratitude for the small things that any one may be doing as they stand up against the cruelty of Trump and his sort. 

***article begins***

The U.S. Department of Justice threatened on Friday to cut some funding to California as well as eight cities and counties across the United States, escalating a Trump administration crackdown on so-called sanctuary cities that do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities.
President Donald Trump has vowed to strip federal funds from dozens of state and local governments that do not fully cooperate with U.S. immigration agents, arguing they endanger public safety when they decline to hand over for deportation illegal immigrants who are arrested for crimes. 

“Sanctuary cities” in general offer safe harbor to illegal immigrants and often do not use municipal funds or resources to advance the enforcement of federal immigration laws. 

Many of these localities say they do not have the funding or space to hold immigrants until federal agents can take custody of them.  

Those threatened were: the state of California; New York City; Chicago; Philadelphia; Clark County, Nevada; New Orleans; Miami-Dade County, Florida; and Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Cook County, Illinois, also received a warning, even though it did not get money from the Justice Department last year.

The jurisdictions have until June 30 to provide evidence to the federal government that they are not violating any laws…

Continue by clicking here.

Demand President Obama’s Word & Nomination of Neil Grouch Honored

From time to time I post a petition, reason being some may not think they work however they do. Rather, they can. I’ve seen it happen on legal levels to more minor levels. So defend-the-court-180please, sign and share. Posting from email received; to sign takes literally 5 seconds if you are a slow typist. I don’t care if you like President Obama or not. If you’re out there toting your patriotic crap, you should respect the process that currently is being denied.

If you are a normal, good person; you should just want the right thing especially under an administration as scary and dangerous as this.

Our racist, misogynistic,fascist president has nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill Antonin Scalia’s Supreme Court seat – the same seat Senate Republicans stole from President Barack Obama.

Trump promised to nominate someone ready to follow in Scalia’s extremist footsteps and he’s delivered on that promise. Gorsuch’s extreme record could guarantee another generation under a conservative Supreme Court that wages war on women, workers, poor people, voting rights and the environment while giving unprecedented power to corporations and religious extremists.

Progressive champion Sen. Jeff Merkley has promised to use the filibuster to force Senate Republicans to get 60 votes to confirm Gorsuch. We need to make sure Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Schumer and every other Senate Democrat stand with Sen. Merkley and use their power to stand up for women, LGBTQ people, immigrants, Muslims, people of color, workers, the environment and the bedrock principles of our democracy.

Tell Leader Schumer and all Senate Democrats: Block any Supreme Court nominee who won’t stand up for progressive values and the people most threatened by Trump’s dangerous agenda.

Government Chemist Admits to Tampering Evidence; But There’s More… 

Government chemist admits to changing the results of tests which would send over 20,000 innocent Black people to prison. Now, imagine all of the people who aren’t admitting to the sickness? Not that this “woman” did it out of remorse.

It reminds me of a book I’ve just recently read on the history of “medical treatment” and the Black community and am appalled as everyone with a soul would be if it were included in any classes at schools across America; which of course it is not. People may get frustrated at my focusing on all this negativity and to you I say; tough. 

I do it hoping to wake people up, not because I enjoy the sickness of racism. I haven’t been able to do it nearly as much as I should or have in the past but I’m working on making a change there. 

In fact; I’m going to post this and go work on a plan to share the sickness of history in America that no one “remembers” – video or written I’m not sure but I do know it is information EVERYONE should know. More on that soon.

The below is just a small snippet of the horrors faced by Black Americans, now or 70 years ago. If you think this is a solo case you’re in for a shock. 

Trump as President Does Matter & Here’s Why

Writing this from my cell but I plan on making a video soon… Either way, please excuse any typos from autocorrect… I had to get this Trump crap off my chest.

I know people who think Trump is just another president, just another body; they all fail to note the fact that who voted for him & the numbers, every last one, show a sick and hateful society waiting for a hate filled leader to take charge. It’s so much deeper and not really funny to me; that Trump got voted in. Work in the hood and with gangs, etc won’t change some say. I say cops are going to be even more out of control. Accountability? If we could forget it before we surely can now. 

So… Just another evil in office, yes. However, of the 2 evils, there’s no way I can see any logic in voting for what comes under the reign of this. I support anarchy; true and complete rule of ourselves. But America isn’t ready for that. 

Since we must have someone -Sanders in my opinion-should have been the clear choice; but without him we were left with two horrible choices. No matter what you feel for Hillary, almost anyone would be better than Trump; a psychopath who cares only for himself- who showed his true colors during the election and prior to his showing interest of running. 

America could have maybe had a chance at starting to change finally, for the better… Bernie was the only bit of hope there. If you disagree and think someone else; fine… I don’t care who your other was; so long as it wasn’t Trump. 

And no; there’s not been an American president to ever show they actually hold true care for most of what I fight for. HOWEVER; it’s been a long damn time since we’ve had a president so proudly sexist and racist, and filled with hate.

Want it spelled out better than I’m doing?  Then I suggest you click the following link and prove you are the Trump supporter you say you are and share how you can live with yourself knowing who he is, by watching this short video on Trump & his supporters. 

My Feelings on Thanksgiving…

For those curious about my thoughts on Thanksgiving and the current on-goings regarding the Native’s and the land the government greedily is trying to snatch back once they realized it wasn’t worthless… Growing up, I’ve always said that Thanksgiving was my “fuck the world” day and that every day otherwise I was grateful.

In this video below, my friend and big brother spells it out beautifully and far better than I ever could in the following. Listen and question what you believe… Question what society has taught…

And no, I still won’t be celebrating Thanksgiving.

Tony Soto Black Man & Activist Held on $900,000 for NO REASON! Please SHARE!

While I was preparing to re-post information on Tony Soto, I came across one of the last videos he posted on YouTube and oddly, it’s directed towards anyone who is struggling. He now -for NO REASON– sits behind bars on a $900,000 bond…  (For more videos by Tony Soto not included on his YouTube account or for more information, please see below.) I had to repost it and no matter if you aren’t religious, are like me and not religious but spiritual, or simply do not believe in anything; his good heart and character for others shines like he always has as a friend and activist…

And from my older posts… Or you can read it all on one page by clicking here.

“… We are asking for your help and support in this crowdfund to help him with his bond and to retain competent counsel.  Funded Justice specializes in Crowdfunding for legal matters.  Please donate and share this Crowdfunding. My son has stood on the front lines and helped many people, traveling all over the region assisting in other marches, protests and helping families organize and assert their First Amendment rights to redress their grievenaces and to protest outrageous and unjust actions by law enforcement.

His first son was born in his first son was born in his absence this past Sat June 25, 2016.  He has yet to see or hold his newborn and I am suffering with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.  For the past two years my son has dilgently marched for civil rights and has tried to make sure people know their rights when pulled over in a vehicle. He has been outspoken and vocal in regards to the blatant police brutality and police corruption sweeping this nation.  Now he is being falsely held in a Phila prison.  If this had happened to any one of you, Tony would have already been organizing on your behalf immediately.  We thank you for your support. God Bless.”- Tony Soto’s mother

The sites I’m linking have the videos of the police stalking, harassment and mistreatment are posted in the above link which I posted a couple of days ago. So below are the links I’ve previously made when he was free, in order. Videos of importance are on all, one of them I believe I made a video but there is a link to his facebook video on there….

Each video shows not only the Philly police disrespecting him, but obviously targeting him, especially if you check out more of his videos (again that is linked in one of the posts too, I believe it’s the first). His  previous videos of harassment and fear tactics being used, each link is below.. thank you and please, please help this good man, his mom, those whom care for him and the community needs him, too…

Please, help. – Tony Soto’s Mother  (click here to donate)

Click here for full details. PLEASE SHARE! x