Category Archives: Hate Crimes

This Beautiful 11 Yr Old Black Female Has Raised 50 grand & Counting For the Cold & Homeless

“Arctic air on the way,” headlines read again….

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Meet the beautiful, exceptionally precious and compassionate 11 year old, Khole Thompson. As noted in her photo, she raised $50,000 at least for the homeless in Chicago during this horrifically cold weather.

“When an 11-year-year-old girl in suburban Los Angeles learned Monday how cold it would be this week for homeless people in Chicago, she decided to do something about it.

After watching a newscast about the impending cold snap, Khloe Thompson created a GoFundMe page seeking donations for the local Salvation Army, a nonprofit group whose mission includes getting Chicago’s most vulnerable to a warm place this week.”

I went from grateful to enraged at reading; Bill Gates, who in an unrelated article (I believe it’s unrelated) he said,

“You don’t need to have a billion to be happy but it sure does help.” –Read that article here.

Imagine how much money he could have helped Khole donate to people in cities across America that have been severely impacted by the cold.

Then during the research for this post I found a few ways to help, which I’ll post below. That gave me a little hope for humanity…

We need to ensure that hope lasts, through people such as Khole Thompson, and their selfless actions.

The most recent cold is ongoing and there are things people can do in the less impacted states such as Texas,

Here is an excerpt from an article about a homeless man who was stolen from this world because he didn’t have a home in the absolutely freezing weather. This is just, I hope, to bring this to you emotionally; remember these are actual people suffering… Even when it’s not as severe as now, anyone in the more northern parts of the states knows how hard that cold can hit. This is unacceptable please don’t just close this article and move on to the next. Please be as brave as the precious child and the others like her… Check out links below.

The Maslow’s Army are blaming the cold for Martin’s death. They are also renewing their plea for change. The organization advocates for people battling addiction, alcoholism and mental illnesses.

In a Facebook post, Sam and Susan Landis of Maslow’s Army, a nonprofit called the death “unacceptable” and said the city needs a 24-hour a day facility where the homeless can find relief from the cold and heat.

Martin was familiar to members of The Maslow’s Army.

“We met Ken on our first Sunday outreach on Fountain Square almost one year ago. He was inspired to get his life together and began taking steps towards self-improvement,” read the another Facebook post on the Sam and Susan Landis page.

In August, the post said, Martin slipped in his recovery effort but “Maslow’s Army still continued to love on him and support him every way we could offering to take him to detox, meeting his basic needs every encounter including just last week.”

Maslow’s Army intends to continue its fight for a 24-hour shelter, taking its request to city hall. They have their sights set on the old Queensgate jail, a seven-story, 30,000 square foot space, that could house beds, a kitchen and more, Sam Landis said. All the group needs is funding.

There is one point on which Kevin Finn, President of Strategies to End Homelessness, agrees.

“The reality is, there is no reason a homeless person should be sleeping outside right now,” Finn said.

In Hamilton County, there are 12 homeless shelters and in Northern Kentucky, there are six, he said. Some are for families, some for women only, others men only. There are also two drop-in homeless shelters, both open 24 hours a day, one on each side of the river. They have expanded capacity for the winter months.

Shelterhouse, The Barron Center for Men in Queensgate offers an additional 200 beds in its winter shelter space through the end of February. Space is open to men and women. The Emergency Shelter of Northern Kentucky in Covington expands its shelter space through March, Finn said. Neither has ever reached capacity.

“What they might not know is when the weather gets the way it is now, some of the rules and requirements that are in place during warmer weather months are not required,” he said.

Last year, 90 percent of the area’s homeless people resided in a shelter, Finn said. Another 16 percent stayed outside on the street, the six percent overlap represents people who both went to shelters but also stayed outside.

There are people who, for a variety of reasons, will not go to shelters, Finn said. Reasons can range from mental health disorders, addiction or something else.

For placement or help getting in a homeless shelter, call (513) 381-7233.

Both Susan and Sam Landis have experienced homelessness and addiction. They are also studying for careers in the social service field at Northern Kentucky University. The system is not set up to meet the needs of homeless, Sam Landis said.

“We want to go to city hall and fight this,” Susan Landis said. “Tax dollars are being spent on a stadium and a fraction of this money could be used to help keep people warm. There are many groups out there with multimillion-dollar grants.”

“We still have this problem,” she said. “Let’s face it, something’s not being done.”

Councilman Chris Seelbach was one of the first to tweet the news of Ken Martin’s death. While the coroner has yet to determine the cause of death, Seelbach and others have drawn the conclusion Martin froze to death.

“We must do better,” Seelbach tweeted. “It’s just a matter of priorities. More tax money for those most vulnerable. Less tax money for millionaires and billionaires.”

Exactly where that money would come from and how much, Seelbach didn’t elaborate. He didn’t respond to messages left by The Enquirer.

Councilman P.G. Sittenfeld said he anticipates the council in 2018 will look at the issue of homelessness and make sure there are enough 24-hour shelters to protect people from dangerous weather, either hot or cold.



Do what you can, please… These are some basic, very basic ways to help…

  1. Volunteers of America Chesapeake’s hypothermia prevention and response programs provide emergency shelter, meals and crisis intervention during the coldest months of the year. These programs serve homeless men and women each night from November through February. The program provides shelter, two hot meals (breakfast and dinner) and a bagged lunch. Also provided is access to case management and medical treatment as well as mental health and substance abuse services.

In addition to the caring professionalism of Volunteers of America Chesapeake’s homeless services staff, this life-saving service wouldn’t be possible without faith partners throughout the region, who open their sanctuaries in partnership with Volunteers of America Chesapeake’s programs to ensure that no one is left in the cold.

2) How We Help End Homelessness

We reach out to homeless individuals through street outreach and mobile outreach services and once we engage with homeless individuals, youth and families with children, we provide assistance that ranges from paying a first month’s rent to offering permanent supportive housing so that people with disabilities can become stable and productive members of their communities. In 2017, we helped over 100,000 homeless individuals.

We have found that, without supportive services, housing is often not enough to end homelessness. From helping homeless youth, to providing assistance in obtaining disability benefits, to providing transportation, to offering intensive job training assistance to homeless veterans, we operate a number of innovative supportive services programs to support our efforts of ending homelessness in America.


While permanent housing, often coupled with supportive services, is the best way to end homelessness, many individuals and families need short-term stabilization before they can find housing that will meet their long term needs. That’s why Volunteers of America, for over 122 years, has provided emergency assistance to homeless persons in the form of homeless shelters.


Since homeless persons can be reluctant to leave the streets and accept emergency shelter or transitional housing, we operate drop-in centers — places where homeless youth or adults can get off the streets and find a temporary safe haven. And often, when homeless persons begin to trust drop-in center staff, they agree to leave the streets and enter transitional or permanent housing.


For a significant number of homeless Americans with mental or physical impairments, often coupled with drug and/or alcohol use issues, long-term homelessness can only be ended by providing permanent housing coupled with intensive supportive services.


Our transitional housing programs are operated with one goal in mind — to help individuals and families obtain permanent housing as quickly as possible. Our programs serve diverse populations — from women and children who are victims of domestic violence to homeless veterans who have spent years living on the streets.


Why in hell do we have people in any positions of power who are abusing, in any shape or form, fellow humans, sexually harassing them, making them sleep in decaying beds…and then sarcastically playing it off as if it isn’t an issue… HOW DO THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT!?

And how do those of you who turn the other way live with your selfish souls?

This is more than I humane… and if you are one of these jerks who can’t even stand against what’s wrong but complain about those who DO speak out; it is you that is the fool and should be ashamed. I sure as hell am not and by being silent you only aid cruelty.

What is more, someone came talking to someone near me about a woman complaining about her food quality. He played some YouTube video they’d made into a joke of her, I didn’t fully understand what in hell they were on about…

Now I do. If I’d been more up to date then I’d have torn into their sick souls for truth and knowledge I will always inflict; I don’t care when or who you are… please share!

+++ start

A Newark, New Jersey immigrant detention center has been feeding detainees moldy, spoiled and foul-smelling food—an abuse that’s led detainees to file scores of grievances and to report symptoms of food poisoning, according to a report released Friday by the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General.

The center, which can house more than 900 men, is run by the Essex County Department of Corrections, under an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE. DHS inspectors conducted a surprise visit last July and found multiple health-and-safety violations of detainee rights and ICE standards. The inspector general’s report noted that the Essex County Correctional Facility also failed to disclose to ICE, as required, incidents involving fights among detainees and hospitalization of detainees for mental illness.

A detainee also found a loaded gun belonging to a guard in a bathroom, the inspector general’s report said.  Center staff admitted to inspectors that they told the detainee who found the gun “not to discuss the matter with anyone,” according to inspectors.

In the report, inspectors noted that detainees filed about 200 grievances about food quality during the first six months of 2018.

“For dinner, we were served meatballs that smelled like fecal matter,” one detainee wrote.

“The food that we received has been complete garbage,” another wrote. He also wrote: “I have a stomach infection because of it and the nurse herself told me it was caused by the food.”

Inspectors observed “expired and moldy bread” in a refrigerator, despite requirements that staff toss it out.  “The food handling in general was so substandard that ICE and facility leadership had the kitchen manager replaced during our inspection,” inspectors reported.

ICE asserted that after seeing a draft of the report its officials immediately initiated a follow-up review process” at the Essex facility. ICE and Essex detention officials could not be reached for comment.

ButWNYC radio in New York reported that ICE, in a statement,

said that conditions inside Essex had improved and that ICE was “committed to continually enhancing” detention operations to promote “a safe and secure environment.”

The inspector general additionally detailed how inspectors last July found showers at Essex covered with mold. Staff had placed trash cans under holes in ceilings to collect rain leaking in; two leaks were in detainee rooms right over their beds.

When inspectors asked guards about decaying mattresses they observed, the report says,

guards said they “wait for detainees to complain” before staff put in a request that mattresses be replaced.  😡😡

The Newark immigration detention center isn’t the first facility where DHS inspectors have found neglect and substandard conditions.

In October, a DHS inspector general report found violations at the Adelanto detention center in California that included inappropriate handcuffing and shackling of detainees and medical neglect, as theCenter for Public Integrity reported.

A dentist employed at Adelanto, which is operated by the private GEO Group, Inc., told inspectors that detainees could use strings from their socks to floss their teeth if dental floss was not available to them.

Inspectors also found evidence that a disabled detainee in a wheelchair was placed into “segregation,” or isolation, for nine days, during which time he was unable to sleep in a bed or brush his teeth.

In January, another DHS inspector general reportaccused ICE of issuing only two penalties against contractors holding immigrant detainees despite finding 14,000 violations of detainee rights and ICE standards. The violations were found at 106 contract detention centers from 2015 to 2018. Violations included contractors’ failure to report alleged sexual assaults to ICE. Last September, the Center reported on private-prison companies’ history, and allegations of abuses that include medical neglect.

Video: Police Are Not Heroes To Me; They Are One Side of A Double Standard System

New York City Police Staff Sgt. Jimmy McNaughton died while serving in the

nyc tribeccamilitary and the story I just read of his family and other NYC cops complaining because the did not get their way has pissed me off. I will explain a bit below but first, the ultimate and main point of my posting this as well as my video rant is because  of the double standards cops hold…

What makes me the most angry, I think, is as you can read in the link that follows, his co-worker states,

“Jimmy’s a hero. He’s our hero. And generations of future police officers who entered the subway to go to work at Transit District 2 would know that his fellow officers did not forget him,” Kenny said.

… He is not my hero, and if we are going to be renaming streets after people who were stolen from the world too soon the first names should be of those whom were unjustly and out of racist hatred murdered. Those are the lives we need to remember. And I am sorry people think I am being too harsh but I am fed up with police getting away with any and all things as people bitch about how hard the legal killers have it… This is in my opinion a slap in the face to any and all who have lost their lives just by being ! 

No I know nothing of this cops personal history. That is not the point though I do address in the video.

So what happened for those wanting to know, in short:

His family almost 300 police officers in NYC are angry because their proposal to have a street named after him was denied, the father going so far as to state he believes they are cop haters… Right… He also demanded to know the real reason the denied the request… The reason? NYC signs have too many damn signs on street poles as it is!

Ugh. Click here to read the NY Post article on this and from which I cite…. 

If you watched the video, you can find the reference to the numbers of hate crime rising, by clicking HERE.

North Bay Man Sentenced For Stealing Funds Intended For Homeless Veterans — CBS San Francisco

This shows just how little the homeless matter; more over, to all you ‘patriots’. this is a huge slap to the face for if veterans truly mattered to you as much as they should and as much as so many people claim, there would be national outrage that this psycho is only getting a year (who wants to bet he is out before a year?)

Had these people not been homeless this case would be taken a lot more seriously by the courts and the people. Add fighting for the rights of homeless to the list of things I’ll be researching and writing about from here on out.


SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A former case worker at an East Bay nonprofit organization has been sentenced in U.S. District Court to one year in prison for stealing $26,300 in federal funds intended to aid homeless veterans with short-term housing. William Andrews, 50, of Windsor, was sentenced by U.S. District Judge James Donato in…

via North Bay Man Sentenced For Stealing Funds Intended For Homeless Veterans — CBS San Francisco

Answering Question: Why It’s Not Wrong to have Black Pride & What White Privilege is

Some … white person sent me this long ass essay about white and Black pride, why is one fair, the other not, Black people don’t even know their history (UM!) and he don’t even acknowledge his white ass privilege SO!

And let me say, if you got white skin and claim you are not racist which I hope is true… Don’t abuse the stupid, sickening privilege the light skin some of us receive. For me it is not wanted but sadly I can’t stop that. I can speak out against it though, and against anyone who is wrong or got things twisted.

And my twitter video response to a quote sent which said something like :

“Black and white people today have nothing to do with what our ancestors did.”



All Hate Speech/Crime Should Be Noted…

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 8.28.13 PM.pngThough I am also going to put this up on the side of my page, I feel this is worth making a post as well… First let’s remember that since 2016 with Trump and his hate inspired, biased speeches and campaigns, it should come as no surprise that hate-groups, hate organizations and activity have grown, also.

As the following site (where you can report your hate crime) states:

The Voice/Black Voice News is fully committed to tackling the uneven documentation of hate crimes and hate speech by partnering with New America Media (, a leader in promoting the work of ethnic media organizations.

New America Media’s Documenting Hate Project is spearheaded by the not-for-profit news outlet ProPublica ( Despite tracking efforts by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to ProPublica, “. . .  there’s no reliable data on the nature or prevalence of the violence.”

There has been an alarming increase in reports of hate incidents nationwide since the 2016 election. Such reports range from vandalism and hate-fueled graffiti (as experienced in San Jacinto last week), to physical attacks and shootings.

Currently, there is heightened fear and anxiety in immigrant and minority communities, fueled in part by 2016 campaign rhetoric, in addition to some statements and policies from the current administration. Despite fear, it is vital to have a course of action when such incidents occur.

The number of hate related incidents reported in 2016 was unprecedented. SPLC noted such crimes increased by three percent over 2015, to a total of 917. The organization’s annual hate map ( lists groups and organizations that target people based on race, religion, or sexual orientation. Also, according to SPLC, in 2016, the nation experienced its second straight year over year increase in the number of hate groups.

Sadly I have either heard of or know people who have been or are victimized by hate since Trump came into the position he is. It’s as though he made all the hate filled and biased bigots come out proudly, knowing they could hide under his terrifying hateful wing, so to speak.

From hate speech to hate crimes, all is worth reporting. Click here to learn more and scroll to the bottom to report and document yours. EVERY VOICE MATTERS!

White Cop Brutalizes Black Male 2 Weeks After Being Cleared of Murdering Another Black Male- SPREAD THIS!

After being cleared in the killing of another Black man, this disgusting filth cop Zachary Rosen has been caught on video BRUTALIZING only TWO WEEKS after he was cleared in the aforementioned Black man’s SLAUGHTER.  That 23 year old young Black man’s name was Henry Green. Oh, by the way, they were not wearing uniform nor did they identify themselves as cops.

No matter what the young man did or was doing, for all he knew these were two racist assholes trying to kill him. And they were just that! But, the media wants you to believe Henry Green was just another thug. No matter if he had a gun or not; how many of you whites have a gun that you carry on you? How many of you whites would have pulled that gun if two unidentified white -let alone BLACK- men approached you not telling you who they were, and not in uniform?

Back to the current case against this racist cop.

In this video, we see this disgusting empty shell kicking a handcuffed, Black man by the name of DeMarco Anderson, who was NOT resisting when Rosen delivered the atrocious, appalling, racist and hate inspired blow to his head with his foot.Henry Green-BlackMen- Cops Murder DeMarco Anderson, Columbus Ohio, Tamir Rice

The police department in Columbus, Ohio say that Rosen’s off patrol as it is being investigated. Paid leave? I wonder. And yes, that is one cop restraining him, and the racist, psycho!

And this is the thing that adds salt to the wound to me is that while being restrained by one cop, DeMarco does the simple thing of asking a question, even giving this cop undue respect when he asked,,

“Why are you being aggressive, sir?” ….

And now enter Zachary Rosen. He bolts into camera view, and gives DeMarco a kick so hard DeMarco’s head that it bounces off of the curb!

And where is the media? If it does get attention, they are going to label him as a thug who was doing this or that and provoked it; which is BULL SHYT! This kind of behavior is NOT “justifiable” for there is NO REASON to ABUSE someone especially when RESTRAINED!

There have been many reports -including by the FBI- stating the KKK are invading police departments across the nation and have been for some time. I say the police ARE the KKK. This developing horror story that is all too damn typical proves one thing for sure: racism is alive in the police department, and it’s time we do more than MARCH AND ASK! ESPECIALLY UNDER THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This has been going on for hundreds of years! In this life alone I have been working on or documenting these cases or similar well over a decade! WHY ARE WE NOT HITTING THEM ECONOMICALLY??? WHY WHY WHY ARE WE NOT MORE UNIFIED???? CAN’T  WE PUT BLACK AND BROWN AND WHITE EVEN ASIDE FOR THE GREATER GOOD??? CAN’T GANGS CALL EVEN A TEMPORARY TRUCE TO UNITE AGAINST THIS GREATER EVIL!?

Click here to read more and for video. 

Update: Cop That Shot Charles Kinsey, a Black Man, Knew the Gun Was a Toy (audio proof released)

“Moments before North Miami Police Officer Jonathan Aledda shot unarmed behavioral technician Charles Kinsey last July 18, another cop on the scene warned there was no gun, only a toy.”

Wow. I am infuriated and there is no way for me to constructively express it… I’ve got to take a couple hours break, but this is SO DAMN IMPORTANT!

cops shoot first
Of course they do. This is simple for a reason … Try to figure out what that reason may be…!

Remember the Black male therapist who was laying on the ground with an autistic child who had a fake gun, and the Black therapist got shot? As if that and any/all “excuses” (though you can’t “excuse” some things, no matter what you say) were not straight up lies and a racist slap in the face; we now have the audio released online of the shooting. It proves what we all knew, it proves that cops are indeed targeting the Black community from some absurd racist … “reason” for lack of better word.

All of his lies were recorded and he has been caught lying, by his department and by all people who have a good, caring heart. On sound cloud, we can hear this cops true statements at the time of the shooting, including that he knows the gun is indeed a toy gun, but that didn’t matter. He still aimed and shot. Click here to go to sound cloud and listen to this sickening BS… which I fear is but an example of the common kind of thoughts the majority of cases where the victim ends up severely hurt, or worse, dead.

Hmmm I wonder what is going to happen to this cop? 😐 ….. I won’t hold my breath in hoping for some accountability, for once. I also want to note, he mentions fear of cops not protecting “communities” as well as their fellow cops and self, due to fears. This is a nationwide white privilege, racist belief I’ve been following for months now…And I’ll be explaining and exposing shortly.

Below is an article and links. I will return later to share continued hellish facts on racism, past and present, video and written.

After the shooting, an assistant chief repeatedly lied to the police chief, and City Manager Larry Spring ignored vital evidence.

Moreover, the crime scene was mismanaged, and the police department and city government were in disarray and plagued by infighting.

Those are among the stunning revelations in an hourlong audio recording of North Miami Police Chief Gary Eugene’s interview with Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) investigators, which was obtained by New Times Tuesday.

The shooting of Kinsey, who was caring for an autistic man, became a national flashpoint in the Black Lives Matter movement thanks to cell-phone footage that showed him with his arms in the air while, lying on the ground, and begging police not to shoot just before he was hit in the leg.

The revelations in Chief Eugene’s interview raise a burning question: Eight months after the shooting and four months after state investigators closed their probe, why has Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle still not charged anyone involved?

“We are very close to coming to a decision,” says Ed Griffith, a spokesperson for Rundle’s office.

“It’s pretty damning what’s in that tape,” says Michael Joseph, an attorney representing Emile Hollant, a North Miami Police commander who was suspended after the shooting and who is suing the city over his discipline. “The police chief outlines rogue officers in that department and other rogue officials. Something has to be done about this. The city has to do the right thing here and clean house.”

After the shooting, union officials justified Aledda’s actions by saying he thought the autistic man with Kinsey had a gun, not a toy truck. But Eugene’s interview with FDLE contradicts that claim. (This past Tuesday, the North Miami Police public information officer declined to comment on behalf of the city manager, Spring.)

“I heard the shooter, Officer Aledda, make a statement to the nature of ‘Be advised, I have clear shot [of] subject,'” Eugene said, describing the audio of the police radio just before the shooting. “Later on, a sergeant… got on the air and said, ‘I have a visual; it is a toy. Is it a toy? QRX.’ That means ‘Stand by; don’t do anything.’ Then there is a conversation back and forth. The next transmission was by [another officer saying] ‘Shot fired!'”

Eugene’s description comes in an hour long interview that centers on the bizarre aftermath of the case. He doesn’t pull punches about the state of the department. Eugene, a veteran City of Miami cop who had been sworn in as chief only six days before the Kinsey shooting, says training was lax and infighting rampant.

The scene was a mess, to be honest with you,” he tells investigators of the Kinsey shooting. “People were walking all over the place. Thank God [Kinsey] did not die. I realized I have a problem with the training of my staff. We’re talking about some 15- or 16-year veterans, but in North Miami, a 15- or 16-year veteran may have less experience than a two-year cop in Miami.”

Fights in the department were so bad, Eugene said, that he worried his cops wouldn’t even be willing to protect one another, much less the community.

“I’m afraid one of them will get shot, for God’s sake, and someone will call for backup and they’ll say, ‘I’m not going,’ just to tell you how much the animosity is,” he said.

Much of Eugene’s interview revolves around the suspension of Hollant, a commander who was present at the shooting. The chief paints a dark picture of department infighting, collusion, and incompetence on the part of city officials.

Three days after Kinsey’s shooting, North Miami city officials held a news conference announcing that, in addition to suspending Aledda, they had also suspended Hollant. In fact, they were suspending Hollant without pay, while Aledda would be on paid leave. Why? According to City Manager Spring, Hollant had lied to Eugene at the scene by telling him he hadn’t witnessed the shooting; in fact, Spring claimed, audio proved Hollant was there.

But Eugene tells a very different story in his interview. He says Hollant was actually suspended as part of a plot by Assistant Chief Larry Juriga, who had an ongoing feud with Hollant.

Click here to read the entire article and reference other related resources.




Cali Lawmakers Working to Help Immigrants Statewide

This is a bit of hopeful news during a time of prejudice, racist hate-filled insanity by a person who is a danger and threat to any person. Something I think by now any humane person can clearly see. I hope Cali succeeds and may other states follow, until we have a real president.

Legislative Democrats in California have advanced a bill that would provide statewide sanctuary for immigrants by restricting local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration authorities.

via California Lawmakers Aim To Make Whole State Immigration Sanctuary — CBS Sacramento

Protesting Trump and His Cruelty regarding immigrants

Right on! This may not change things but there is still benefit in protests……. I never thought I’d write about a presidency but Trump was the worst of all the choices; others would have been bad but none would have so heartlessly and so blatantly executed laws such as he did to those who who under President Obama had made some form of positive changes and progress within society, that can be said at the VERY least.

all lives matter blue lives black lives white lives
That’s what “Make Amerikkka Great AGAIN would do for America has NEVER been great; but made slow but steady progress…before Trump came

I’ll be posting on a new blog site dedicated to exposing Amerikkka’s history; from racism to other…and of course, I’ll be posting a lot on Trump’s lies & why he isn’t my president. I’ll post a link up to this site when I’ve got it up politics but history as well.

This site of course is staying up this is my main site plus it’s in regards to far more than just politics and history. i just didn’t want people who don’t wanna see truth to get bombarded by it and i also didn’t want trump covering my website

CLEVELAND – Hundreds of people gathered in Cleveland to protest President Donald Trump’s order that temporarily banned travelers from seven predominantly Muslim countries. Protesters began their demonstration about 4 p.m. Friday at Cleveland’s Market Square on the west side of the city and marched several blocks before ending up downtown later in the evening. The…

via Hundreds in Downtown Cleveland Protesting the Immigration and Travel Ban — 93.1 WZAK