Tag Archives: white racists

America Still Using Media to Attack the People/Brainwash with Racist Ideology

educated black man knowledge is power

Soon my information strategies, consistency and etc will be changing for the better 🙂 But, as I work on creating and finishing up my new website and YouTube page I still am going to share here; I may even leave this page up after my new one is complete. In fact, I shall do. But I digress…

A few days ago, I heard one of the most typical “I’m not racist, because I had Black friends!” … This is a classic racist statement and by no means does it declare you are not racist, sadly. I would also like to note this moron was defending Donald Trump, I heard him telling the person he was with that he is the best president we’ve had in at least “40 years” — LOL seriously man? What a joke.

He was a white/irish dude, a ‘good ol’ country boy’ who has nothing to worry about when it comes to his rotting white privilege that remains abused.

If you are a regular reader or if you watch my videos you should know I of course did not remain silent. How could I? As I’ve said before I shall say again; it doesn’t matter if you are in a room full of only light skinned people, white people or etc, or if you are in a room full of people with different backgrounds or ‘skin tones’; EITHER WAY IF ANTI-RACISM IS TRULY WHAT YOU STAND FOR, THEN YOU STAND FOR IT WHEN YOU ARE BOTH ON YOUR OWN AND WHEN YOUR NOT! 

Only acting upon this so called “belief” that racism against nonwhites is wrong when there are people who aren’t light skinned or white is the same sort of logic the “Oh but I have Black friends so I can’t be racist!” crowd uses.

immigration mexico trimpYour’e all in or you’re fake to me. But I strayed from my point here, again. Back on topic!

So, after hearing him behind me in line going on about Trump being some kind of god, when he brought in the, ‘you know he wasn’t racist because he used to have Black friends’ comment, I had to let him know that is complete and utter BS. During slavery women were ra*ed, but that doesn’t mean the preposterous white men weren’t racist by any damn means. That’s obviously just one example, a bit extreme but this topic is not a light one.

This guy and I both caught each other off guard, I think, because he wasn’t expecting me to turn around and lash into him with facts regarding his stupid argument and I wasn’t expecting him to just stand there and take it. He looked shocked and I felt confused, so I just turned back around and there was then an award winning silence for the rest of our time in line.

I’ve sat down with idiot racists before, I’ve confronted them many times but never have I got that “uhhh durrrr” look he gave me. I’m not sure what it meant but either way; we didn’t get anywhere other than I got him to silence his ignorance or stupidity.

Why am I sharing this story, you may ask? Because while I do not read nor watch “Fox News” I have seen the guy who replaced . Until tonight, I had never heard him however.

There are some supporters and people who get off on debating who states this doesn’t prove he is “with white nationalists” but I argue that indeed it does mean this and for 2 reasons:

1) I do have research I just don’t have time to type it up & fact check and

2) anyone who has support from any or all white nationalists, who has the views this idiot does on other human beings (i.e., immigrants, refugees, etc) because he wants his European culture preserved…

(which was a slip up there; an admission of what we already know and that is that white Europeans stole African history, made it their own and then denied the Blacks community the two most fundamental thing a community needs (just as a starting point). By stealing sense of identity, the history of a people, their home land, hell I could go on and on here… Stealing all of this, along with the equally as important traditions and cultures; replacing it with the European way of things; that means replacing what was once known  with a world of of violence and meaningless savagery.)

After centuries of denying the African roots and history these white Europeans finally received their wish… in schools, during “Black History Month” what is the starting point? Where does it begin? With slaves, or going to “get” slaves.

Prior slavery these Africans were queens and kings, they are the foundation which everyone from the Greeks, Romans, Europeans to each one of us today can thank for without them we wouldn’t have the wisdom and advancement they blessed us with. Such as (but damn sure not limited to) the philosophical, financial, cosmological, mathematical, complex scientific (and so forth) systems.

These are things that should be taught during “Black History Month”- but going along with European tradition -which this ass complains about being taken away (Ohhh that enrages me!)- it is exactly what they (white Europeans) want taught and not taught.

This is why one reason I soon will have my own livestream and blog, teaching truths that have been buried; among many other things of the concern.

In sum, if this video doesn’t show a racist that is on Fox News, scaring white people who don’t think for themselves or who are already so brainwashed they are just too far gone but his hate rhetoric doesn’t help resolve anything for the better.

With white nationalists praising him left and right, there is something going on, underground… We need protection..


Video: The Racist Trump’s Removal of White Nationalist Groups Being Classified as Extremists

Let met start out with this: I have not been able to write or make videos lately, more so than usual… While this will change in the future, once life settles down a bit, the research and work I am doing now will aid in the fight against these racist, hate filled terrorist organizations…
At the very least, I come armed with truth and knowledge that is in fact extremely and abundantly obvious to those who truly seek wisdom; to those with even a careless soul in them. It takes a special sort of evil to even entertain the idea of removing these hate-filled racists; these true terrorists, from the federal effort to study and neutralize extreme nationalization. And everyone who has any decency within need be preparing and arming with knowledge, and sharing that knowledge. So, I shall. Starting back up with the following…………………

I write this in rage; rage and shock at the silence surrounding these blatant evil, racist pigs in office and their avid supporters. I am going to begin and end my post with the quote you will hear in more detail when you press play below. It is a quote in response to the Trump administration; this quote in particular being from the founder of some neo-nazi site called The Daily Stormer. I am more than outraged; more than ready for seeing these psychopaths be overrun.

And if the following doesn’t make your blood boil, I have to let you know… you are just as sadistic as the racist “Alt Right” as they want to be called, but more accurately known as America’s domestic terrorists; the white nationalists. Ironically, from the start of their jealous hate, these white “supremacists” have yet to be superior to anything.

I am MORE THAN sickened, and infuriated!!!!!! with the audacity of this psychopath to remove these evil, soulless, racist white criminals is absolutely asinine and outrageous. What’s equally as preposterous is the lack of attention all of this is receiving. Let me make this clear: I am aware these shells of people existed prior Trump getting into office…but they were, to some degree, ashamed or at least they understood to stay in THEIR place and pretend to be human. With Trump in office, what do these psychos have to lose?

That being said; if you are not against what Trump is doing for his people, proudly evil, white terrorists, then you are no better than them. Period.

Moving on to the point. Here is part of one response to Trump’s racist action. These white racists  (who murder, promote superiority, hate, death, etc) are no longer extremists, despite the fact that all domestic terrorist attacks and terrorists in America have been and are white; while people with a conscious, a soul, are murdered down by slave patrols or locked away as political prisoners for wanting equal treatment.

Hell, in too many cases this means dying for simply wanting to have the equal right of doing something as simple as eat skittles or hold a pokemon card without being murdered by one of the so called “protectors of peace”………..

The video has actual facts and the history behind what is going on, has been going on, and more. Please watch… It goes without saying, then, their hate organizations and their ‘people’ are celebrating in their natural hate and menace:

“Donald Trump wants to remove us from undue federal scrutiny by removing white supremacists from the definition of extremism……. Yes, DONALD TRUMP IS SETTING US FREE.

We may truly under estimated Trump’s covert support of our cause, but after this proposal I am fully ready to offer myself in service to this glorious regime

Amazingly, my government no longer treats me as an enemy. It’s now officially understood at one of the highest levels, that we are so much better than the kidnapper, terrorist, pedophile left.” – Founder of Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer 

I end this here….Watch the video. Educate. They will NOT rise. Make sure you are a part of educating the people if nothing else. And again, for more information, I truly urge and plead with you to take a few minutes and make sure you are aware of yet another evil going on; thanks to the extremists in office.
Please; get involved… Edcuate yourself; educate others, at the very, very least… Fuck every last racist, white psychopath and their delusional thoughts of superiority; what a DISGUSTING and SAD JOKE they are!

Disgusted and Fed Up With ANY White Person Claiming White People as “Victims”

As a Latina with disgustingly, annoyingly, FRUSTRATINGLY, white skin I only wish I could trade in, I was glad to see there are other light / white skinned people in the Hispanic community who think along the same lines. Sadly, of course white privilege is given to hispanics of light or white skin. I don’t want it! But before I post my video, let me start this by saying what you best already know:

I WOULD GIVE UP THIS SICK ‘PRIVILEGE’ IN A HEARTBEAT IF I COULD!!! I do not see it as a good thing; until ALL of us have it, NONE of us should have it! The light/white skin tone of mine is the misfortune of my existence. But I do pose a question which is below the following video…

(I explain in more detail why I made this video in another post you can find by clicking here.)

My question…

What fellow light / white skinned Hispanics feel about this curse of a ‘privilege.’ So… Do you deny it exists; do you abuse it like too many ‘caucasian’ people? 

Whether you want to accept it or not;  white privilege is real. White supremacy is a lie as “whites” does not mean a person is better than any other person; skin color alone does not mean any more than the size shoe you wear. Sadly, however, it is still an ongoing issue in racist America; built on lies and evil cruelty, still going forward with those same ‘ideals’ trying to brain wash as many as possible.

NEVER FORGET THIS TRUTH: being of European or Irish or whatever descent does NOT mean they are better. That is a force fed lie and it’s time we blow it out of the water with education on real history and culture; on what they tried to erase after stealing from the people there, too.

Admitting it exists leaves a sickening taste in your mouth to speak it, I know, but speaking it and being aware that it is going on and it is not okay! That you CAN do something, even if it won’t remove the unjustified and selective “privileges” given without any logical, emotional, intelligent, understandable, rational reason, at least you can take pride in knowing you are doing your part.

It’s time -far past time- the hispanic and the Black community unite fully and fully. No, I’m not limiting the unification to only us but it just seems like a natural and normal starting place once the communities of our own stop killing… Any and all colors or races should join in on this 100% acceptance and intolerance towards racists. I hope to see this come true one day; even if it isn’t all, I hope the majority….

They’re Trying to Silence this VERY Brilliant Black Male From Speaking.. PART 1

I don’t usually plead with you guys to listen but I am now. Not just to my video below, but to the ones from the Black male who is being targeted for speaking truth of all sorts; from being PROUD to be Black to history to metaphysics and ALL in between and all of it, is spoken in such a way that you he is not only exceptionally intelligent; but he also is not out to hurt people. He is here educating. Or trying. But he is being accused by someone called “Dr Maat” (a disgrace to the name MAAT and women) saying he threatened her in  his videos yet… well watch the videos. No where, has he ever showed a gun, let alone, the machete she claims he used to threaten her life.

If we let people just slip into these racist hands we have no hope. Most of what I have to  say or at least most of what I can utter out beneath this rage I feel…, I’ve posted below. Within the hour I will have another blog posted up and that one is far more important for that will be 2 or 3 of his videos, info on his situation as well as another revolutionary man speaking up on his behalf.

If you want to ask why I’m not posting more now, I want to and will, but first and annoyingly, I have a few things I must first do off line… But please, please do come back within the hour, check back please, listen to him as well… Unless you are sleep walking through life, you’ll see the truth right away.

So again; within the hour, a new post will be up with more info as well as including him speaking out on all this, as well as 1 other “OG”….

 I truly  beg you to listen to what is happening to him; and then to LISTEN to my friend and activist in Philly, Tony Soto; being held without any reason on 900,000 bond… (post on what is happening with him and his story, of CLEAR racism as is this one, can be found by clicking here. Opens in new window). Please share his story, too.

This man did not ask me or anyone to speak out for him. Again; for whatever dumb legal purpose; let me say once more a bit slower…

I am doing this on my own accord because what they are trying
to do to him needs to be on the lips of every person who
is fighting against racism against the Black community in particular.

If we don’t do something they’ll start killing off people in plain day light as they already do with so many other race related issues, and not only has this been going on FAR TOO DAMN LONG; it’s time tables change. I don’t promote violence; but I promote equality, I promote self defense and I demand change and that the people suffering are fuking heard! I won’t stop this life or the next til the RIGHTFUL people are in places of power AGAIN.

I am very furious… I’m scared also that you guys aren’t going to take all this as serious as it is… Same for Tony… We gotta do something yea; so let’s START for real… We been saying it, when we gonna do; when can we start PROTECTING life?!