Tag Archives: Thom Hartmann

Video: The Racist Trump’s Removal of White Nationalist Groups Being Classified as Extremists

Let met start out with this: I have not been able to write or make videos lately, more so than usual… While this will change in the future, once life settles down a bit, the research and work I am doing now will aid in the fight against these racist, hate filled terrorist organizations…
At the very least, I come armed with truth and knowledge that is in fact extremely and abundantly obvious to those who truly seek wisdom; to those with even a careless soul in them. It takes a special sort of evil to even entertain the idea of removing these hate-filled racists; these true terrorists, from the federal effort to study and neutralize extreme nationalization. And everyone who has any decency within need be preparing and arming with knowledge, and sharing that knowledge. So, I shall. Starting back up with the following…………………

I write this in rage; rage and shock at the silence surrounding these blatant evil, racist pigs in office and their avid supporters. I am going to begin and end my post with the quote you will hear in more detail when you press play below. It is a quote in response to the Trump administration; this quote in particular being from the founder of some neo-nazi site called The Daily Stormer. I am more than outraged; more than ready for seeing these psychopaths be overrun.

And if the following doesn’t make your blood boil, I have to let you know… you are just as sadistic as the racist “Alt Right” as they want to be called, but more accurately known as America’s domestic terrorists; the white nationalists. Ironically, from the start of their jealous hate, these white “supremacists” have yet to be superior to anything.

I am MORE THAN sickened, and infuriated!!!!!! with the audacity of this psychopath to remove these evil, soulless, racist white criminals is absolutely asinine and outrageous. What’s equally as preposterous is the lack of attention all of this is receiving. Let me make this clear: I am aware these shells of people existed prior Trump getting into office…but they were, to some degree, ashamed or at least they understood to stay in THEIR place and pretend to be human. With Trump in office, what do these psychos have to lose?

That being said; if you are not against what Trump is doing for his people, proudly evil, white terrorists, then you are no better than them. Period.

Moving on to the point. Here is part of one response to Trump’s racist action. These white racists  (who murder, promote superiority, hate, death, etc) are no longer extremists, despite the fact that all domestic terrorist attacks and terrorists in America have been and are white; while people with a conscious, a soul, are murdered down by slave patrols or locked away as political prisoners for wanting equal treatment.

Hell, in too many cases this means dying for simply wanting to have the equal right of doing something as simple as eat skittles or hold a pokemon card without being murdered by one of the so called “protectors of peace”………..

The video has actual facts and the history behind what is going on, has been going on, and more. Please watch… It goes without saying, then, their hate organizations and their ‘people’ are celebrating in their natural hate and menace:

“Donald Trump wants to remove us from undue federal scrutiny by removing white supremacists from the definition of extremism……. Yes, DONALD TRUMP IS SETTING US FREE.

We may truly under estimated Trump’s covert support of our cause, but after this proposal I am fully ready to offer myself in service to this glorious regime

Amazingly, my government no longer treats me as an enemy. It’s now officially understood at one of the highest levels, that we are so much better than the kidnapper, terrorist, pedophile left.” – Founder of Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer 

I end this here….Watch the video. Educate. They will NOT rise. Make sure you are a part of educating the people if nothing else. And again, for more information, I truly urge and plead with you to take a few minutes and make sure you are aware of yet another evil going on; thanks to the extremists in office.
Please; get involved… Edcuate yourself; educate others, at the very, very least… Fuck every last racist, white psychopath and their delusional thoughts of superiority; what a DISGUSTING and SAD JOKE they are!

Some Information on White Privilege; All White People Need to Know & Grasp This

This is for any one whom reads this or comes across and doesn’t know what white privilege is; here is a great video to explain it. If you are white, and don’t believe you have a ‘privilege’ but you want to know what we are all talking about please check this out.

I’m not sure if you Fox News watchers are aware of this or not, but Fox News and all media for that matter but Fox News in particular as they took the issue of lying to the public via the media to court- and won that right-.. it is LEGAL for these “news” channels to lie to you, to deceive you.

With that said, the first video is with a host whom I adore, Thom Hartmann, probably one of the only white men I’ve seen who can handle that racism is going on still, and correctly from the days of slavery being its roots. In this first video, he uses Bill O Riely as an example but then works his way out to any white American who more likely than not do not understand what white privilege is, or that they have it.

It’s your responsibility as a HUMAN to watch this, white people. Make sure you are not abusing your whiteness, for if you ask me having light skin is a curse. I don’t want a ‘gift’ or ‘privilege’ if others can’t have it…but sadly I can’t rid myself of my skin.

Inform yourself and make sure you are not contributing to a problem you may even think you are helping, or perhaps you think ‘doesn’t exist’- either way… I challenge you to realize, sadly, white people, especially males, have it far easier in America… Yes we know whites are victims of the police at times too; but not at the rate the Black community is. The FBI set it up this way, under Hoover, whom wanted to divide and conquer with guns and drugs… Slave patrols became modern day police, just a new name, not a real change in anything. So while white people may undergo police abuse or shootings some, it is no where close to that of Black Americans and they need to get over it.

The second video is shorter but with not as detailed, so to speak. Still, powerful and informative and definitely a video I hope anyone wanting to gain insight into themselves should see.
He is talking during the Zimmerman trial, talks about white privilege, using two tragic and real statements from President Obama as prime examples of exactly what white privilege is.

So, Racism, White Privilege Doesn’t Exist in the USA (Part 1)

To any and all white people, or any nationality whom don’t believe racism is well, alive and thriving just as it always has been here in America, I want to know your reason. But white-racism-white-privilege-racist-fox-newsonly after you watch the following video. It is a live recording of a call into my favorite talk/radio show with host Mr. Thom Hartmann. He is one of the only white man I know of who speaks out so passionately about racism and its realities and truths. So to those of you whom don’t think white people have advantages over non-whites, especially those in the Black community; to Fox News watchers…you should have no issue watching an opposing view. Comment intelligently your side, I’ll approve.

And the reason I have named this part 1, I’d like to address this on my own YouTube channel in the future. Video of the call below… Tell me how anything said, is wrong.