Tag Archives: war on people

Most Incarcerated, Most Violent, The American Way


And we are still the most violent, why? Because the majority in prisons are in for drug offenses – they do not belong in prison. They need help not punishment, it solves and helps no one. Except those profiting from it. Child molesters, rapists, murderers, etc.. They should be in prison, but represent less than 10% of the american prison population. As KRS1 says, “why is that?”

I rarely watch movies but this is an excellent clip to sum it up,…

I’ll be writing more on this soon…

Join Jeremy Hammond’s Brother & Tell Judge Loretta Preska To Give Some Justice


Please sign the petition to help Jeremy Hammond; a computer activist who has harmed no one, but been locked up since March 2012 “awaiting trial”. Please tell the American government pedophiles and rapists (ETC) should be in prison; not a young man whom is intelligent and wants to better society, again, harming not one soul!  It only takes a second. Please click the link below to read his twin brother’s plea for Jeremy. Here you can also add your name to the petition, and your reason for signing (the latter is optional for those who don’t desire to do it). Stand up for something REAL. Jeremy is being prosecuted under the same “law” they tried to get Aaron Swartz with. Sadly, we lost Aaron due to this. Like Jeremy, he had hurt not one soul and simply was a young, intelligent man that cared about society and where it is going. He tragically took his own life instead of being the victim of this unjust system. For his beautiful memory, for those taken from the struggle, please stand with us, and for us; for the life Jeremy has left to live; hell, the life all of us who care about the world have left to live! Are you telling us this is our destiny if we stand up for what is right?


If anyone is interested, this is what I wrote:
Continue reading Join Jeremy Hammond’s Brother & Tell Judge Loretta Preska To Give Some Justice

More Proof of the Sickening Reality with the “War on ‘Drugs'”

This is absolutely unbelievable. I am an advocate against the “war on drugs” – I believe people with drug related issues need help not insane punishment as the government dishes out. I also do not classify marijuana- especially medical- as a drug. Below is an article from alternet that is America’s sick and sad reality, that truly and utterly disgusts me. Link follows article

After being diagnosed with liver cancer in 2009, Norman B. Smith applied to the liver transplant list at Cedar-Sinai hospital. While waiting for a transplant, Mr. Smith underwent chemotherapy in an attempt to destroy the cancer eating away at his liver. This caused severe side-effects, common to many cancer patients. In an attempt to curb the pain, and on the recommendation of his oncologist, Mr. Smith began using medical marijuana. Cannabis has become increasingly common as a medicine of choice for patients undergoing chemotherapy, since it increases appetite and reduces pain—minimizing the chance of a patient developing cancer related wasting syndrome.

Finally in September of 2010, Mr. Smith was notified that he was eligible for a liver transplant and was placed on the liver transplant list. Mr. Smith continued his treatment and submitted to drug testing per the hospital’s transplant list policy. After testing positive for THC (one of the active chemicals in marijuana), Mr. Smith was taken off the transplant list and denied a life saving procedure. Mr. Smith died because of this. It did not matter to the hospital that Mr. Smith’s marijuana use was non-recreational, and was approved by his oncologist as a way to treat his chemotherapy side effects.

This story is a more common than one might think. Continue reading More Proof of the Sickening Reality with the “War on ‘Drugs’”