Tag Archives: east end film festival

Abortion Dr. Tiller-LONDON- Screening & ScreenTalk-July 6- East End Film Festival

If you are in the UK – especially London, be sure to check out the film selection regarding the heroic and inspiring Dr. Tiller. A man dedicated to what he believed in, only to be murdered by one of the insane anti-choice/”pro”-lifers. Check it out July 6th, London!!! (information follows below as does link, I must give a very, very quick rant first.

It’s simply astonishing how pro”lifers” support an unjust death penalty system here in the states, yet hate doctors whom perform safe and moral medical practices so much that these “pro-lifers” (aka anti-choicers) somehow think killing innocent adult for caring for his patients is somehow, moral!? Umm, what we do medically is no one’s business, anyway. These “people”‘disgust me.

As a woman who in fact does support 3rd term abortions, and does not consider it murder (because…well…it’s not, simply put), I wish so badly I was in the UK to attend… It seems I’m always in the wrong country or city when things like this happen >.< anyhow! So London & all you in the UK who can go; below are the details and the link for tickets & etc. Ohhh I wanna go!!!
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