Little Known Black History Fact: Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr.

I disagree with “Black History Month” for I believe we should learn about “Black History” every month granted there is so much history and vital information not taught in schools. Not to mention, what we are taught during “Black History Month” is about Dr King, slavery and a bit on the civil rights movement; as if that is all there is to Black history. Yes, it is very important to learn about the horrible torturous crimes committed against Black people in America, but it is also important to note the contributions and the achievements made that give us many of today’s modern technology, medicine, science and etc

Black America Web

Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr. a retired heart surgeon and educator, has made history a few times over the course of his four-decade career in medicine. On this day in 1980, Dr. Watkins performed the first human application of the Automatic Implantable Defibrillator (AID) at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md.

Watkins, born June 13, 1944 in Parson, Kan., was raised primarily in Montgomery, Ala. His father, Levi Sr., was the sixth president of Alabama State University. Watkins attended Tennessee State University for his undergraduate studies. He later became the first African-American to enroll in Vanderbilt University’s School of Medicine and the first African-American to graduate.

After his graduation in 1970, Watkins became the first Black intern at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and then moved on to Harvard University Medical School. Watkins returned to Hopkins in 1975, becoming the first Black chief resident in heart surgery at the university…

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One thought on “Little Known Black History Fact: Dr. Levi Watkins, Jr.”

  1. I agree, there is much more to learn about black history than what is usually put out by mainstream media. They usually tell the same stories every month and leave out important people.

    A good book to get is; African Americans In Science Math and Invention by Ray Spangenburg and Kit Moser

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