Truth About Pit Bulls & The Deception That’s Putting Them In Danger (P1)

It’s time! As noted in a previous post, there is one more addition to my activism now… So, besides Police Brutality, Prison, “War on Drugs”, etc I also will be writing about Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls in particular, trying to end the stigma. I want to warn anyone who is planning on reading this that it is full of facts, but I do apologize for the ending when I break out into a rant about the prison industry… But I can’t help it; they have the wrong people in, the wrong people are free to walk the streets; and dog fighting is still going on… Even more than that, though, is taking the blame and being used as the scapegoat are the innocent dogs.
pit bull lies truth facts
I can say with all honesty, nothing hurts my heart and soul more than seeing an innocent, defenseless or broken spirited soul either being hurt, previously hurt or fed up with living. I am extremely passionate about police brutality victims just as I am women who are verbally abused by zealots who ignore science and medicine (not to mention the concept of a woman having a life, or, giving a child a humane life). Those are only two issues that enrage me. Lies outrage me, and if you can handle reading the research, facts and statistics below, hopefully you’ll be just as out raged as I am.

Before we get into facts, let me introduce you to my Guardian… An escaped Pit Bull puppy, who was on her last legs when I found her. But I nursed her back to health, helped her overcome fears (see mini novel below and it’ll make sense) and now she is happy; not afraid to be an innocent, loved and semi spoiled dog; just as she should be. I am so anxious to get back home- she gives me a reason to smile, to wake up, to hope and laugh. She is a gift, and I love her, am grateful for her, more than I can say.

Note: Please ignore my doggy voice lmao (below)

[[ our story summed up: the night before i found her, i was crying; crying due to how life is, how i missed my other dogs, ….a lot of things, i just needed love. the next day, laying on the back porch by the door (she could have gone to ANY house but she didn’t….) was a beautiful pitbull puppy… but she was dying. she hadnt been fed, it was obvious she escaped a sick person who didn’t t ake care of her at all obviously; she had at least, at least 60 HUGE ticks in EACH ear, deep and very large… she had them between her paws…. and she had wounds… whoever she escaped from obviously wanted her to be a fighter. but she has not one fighting bone in her..
My Angel Pit Bullat first she was afraid of toys, she would hide behind me if anyone else came outside….she finally began to get over this though with the handy water bottle lol… she bites it just to show me the noise, and make sure i still approve. she’s an angel. and now, she’s at full health, beautiful and growing well… gets along great with other dogs and people, …and knows when i’m sad… why would anyone want to fight these beautiful dogs? torture and kill them… THOSE are the criminals; not the animals.]]

But they get the blame because for-profit media needs the ratings, not caring what consequences people and animals have to suffer; only caring they don’t lose their job or get that raise… Life is more valuable than money.

It should go without being said, but, for sanity’s sake, one other of my passionate beliefs is standing up for the misjudging, mislabeling, selfish, heartless lies told and believed regarding Pit Bulls. 

Personal experience, research, statistics all show there is such a deep misconception regarding these amazing dogs. That these dogs are vicious murderers is a horrible misconception being fueled by society, the media and further fueled by the people who watch for profit media, such as Fox News or CNN. One attack happens, it’s all over the news; Pit Bull Mauls Child! For-profit media are in constant competition with each other, despite both being government owned.

(If you Google CIA declassified documents, you will find they aren’t even ashamed to admit that they do in fact own the media so what you see on TV is what they want you to see- does that not alarm you?)pit bull facts don't kill don't fight it is the owner

So the competition for most tragic story, with the dog as the scapegoat villain, begins. And the story will grow and go on for days, and days. And it seems as each of these days pass, the quicker the race to get the most gruesome images quicken. If they have to exaggerate the stories a bit, so viewers will be more appalled and glued to their TV set, surely, that won’t hurt! In fact, it’ll probably boost the ratings so high it’ll bring the world nothing but goodness! The even go so far as to call any dog in the Bull Terrier breed a Pit Bull, because the name Pit Bull alone for some reason makes some people quiver.

Not once do the think of the price all these other abused dogs are having to pay. Of course it is horrific to have a child or anyone lost due to a dog attack or for any reason. However, that doesn’t make it okay to give misleading information, damning an innocent group of animals to great injustices and “witch hunts” -for lack of better wording.

Actually, Pit Bulls are trained and used to help people with disabilities, much like Labs are famously known for. Tpit bulls are not evilhey also are trained to help school children who struggle to read out loud, develop this ability faster. When then Pit Bull was legal in England during the Victorian times, they were commonly referred to as “Nanny Dogs” because of their good temperament and their exceptional love and good demeanor and temperament with children; especially SMALL children.

In older Victorian photos and paintings Pit Bulls can even be seen in many family portraits and paintings.

The dog or breed hasn’t changed; despite what the media tries to make us think with fear tactics. As shown in the photo to the left, according to research conducted by the National Canine Temperament Testing Association, the Pit Bull scored 86.8, second only to the Labrador who was a flat 92. Obviously, the higher the score, the better the dogs temperament).

Another interesting thing about this study is the average temperament for all 231 breeds tested came in at 82.4%- so with that knowledge, we could argue (pretty successfully, I’d say) the average dog is more aggressive just a tiny bit more aggressive than a Pit Bull. 

Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls; neither of these aren’t the problem. The problem comes in when one looks at the environment it has been raised in and is living in. It comes down to the abuse and horrific trauma they go through because of HUMANS and their disgusting lust for money; that is the real issue.

Still, despite their owners chaining them up, starving, beating and forcing them to fight and maul others, the dog is being punished and judged incorrectly by too much of society; while the real danger (the owners) are not treated as if they ran a red light.

All puppy’s will bite. You teach them not to, they are playing and do not understand that it can hurt. Just the same, any dog can be trained to be a cruel dog. But they aren’t cruel dogs; the dogs that have attacked humans were approximately 90% abused, neglected or so forth. But that does not mean that is the dogs natural nature. In fact, Pit Bulls are very well known for their gentleness with infants and children.

Despite the dog not being the criminal, the media wants you to think it is, and just mentioning a Pit Bull automatically makes certain people angry because of their ignorance. The media know this and feeds on it. Even though for every 1 aggressive Pit Bull bite, there are over 10.5 MILLION that do NOT bite or behave in that way. But that’s never mentioned.

If a dog of any breed is brought up with attention, love and care it will be fine. It is when any dog (or animal) is neglected, abused or forced to fight that they become “dangerous”. Sadly, because these dogs are targets for dog fighters because that’s what the were originally breed to be. But that doesn’t define who they are. The one who is supposed to love, protect and take care of them does that.

This is not the Pit Bulls fault; it is not the Bull Terrier’s fault (Bull Terrier: the breed of dog Pit Bulls belong to); it is the owner’s faupit bulls are not meanlt. Yet while these abused, neglected, starved, chained up, forced to fight others for, quote, “good money” end up getting sentenced to death, a ruined reputation and legal bans, the people that made them that way are let off with a slap on the wrist.

They then are free to go back out again, illegally buy and breed dogs to fight in a sick and selfish attempt to make money. But it is the dog that was breed and trained, forced to fight that the media is making out to be the criminal; when in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. It is the people who own, train, breed and abuse these animal that are the REAL criminals.

But just like with laws regarding rape, child molestation, murder and the like, the criminal who trained these innocent lives to be angry fighters are also simply slapped on the wrist. I’d like to add a note here that a massive 86% of the federal prison population is made up of victimless crimes! The majority of prison cells, federal and state, are of drug offenders. Drugs is a social issue. It is a medical issue. It is not an issue that prison should deal with while allowing threats to society such as the above noted walk around freely.

This system is very twisted.

Despite dog fighting being a felony under both federal law as well as a felony in 50 states, one animal patrol officer told CBS 47 News getting in and saving these animals, stopping the fights and punishing the humans who caused the mess is, quote,

“harder to infiltrate than the Mafia”. 

This is because animal activists are at known locations waiting, however, these criminals are well organized and prepared… Plus, I am going to assume the laws have technicalities that are not allowed to be broken when engaging in stopping dog fighting rings.

After football player Micheal Vick brought fame and attention to the topic of dog fighting back in 2007, the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act was signed into law making dog fighting a felony under federal law. The punishment for turning sweet, loving animals into abused fighters is a maximum of three years in prison, and a maximum fine of $250,000. Three years is nothing, especially considering they won’t spend three years in prison, be it due to good behavior or a lesser sentence.

People get more time in prison for, again, doing drugs. Drugs should not an issue that is punished by a prison cell. Research and statistics show that community treatment programs have a massively higher success rate as well as a dramatically lower rate of re-offending. When put in prison for drugs, not properly helped, subjected to torment and other atrocities; what other choice does someone have when they get out? No one will hire them. The government won’t help them finance an education…

Yet, there is a ten years minimum for some drugs, and still far too harsh sentences for others, depending on the drug type. So while the rapists and murderers walk around our streets, creating a real safe society for everyone (sarcasm noted), someone is punished, locked away and left to suffer because of an addiction…Which needs medical attention, not a cold, harsh prison.

Seemingly that doesn’t matter, however. Again, over 86% of people in American’s Federal Prison System are of victimless crimes. They are not a danger to society. However – rapists, murderers, domestic abusers and animal abusers are all just slapped on the wrist and told not to do it again.

Which of course, they will not listen to. Sadly, because of the inaccurate media coverage and the common placed ignorance about the Pit Bull as well as Bull Terriers temperaments will continue to end their lives, pointlessly and needlessly.

In fact, as I write this, in a small town in Louisiana they were planning on killing all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers; those who refused would have to deal with the cops. Link to that article is here, and opens in new window/tab.  

When I saw this I was sick, but someone showed me this page where it states the decision was halted due to nationwide outrage. The article for that is here. However, it turns out, it has simply been put on hold until people cool down and “forget about it”- there is no intention to truly reverse this massacre. According to an activist against this kind of horrible crime, what we need to be doing right now is educating ourselves and others, sending out petitions and making it well known what is happening. Of course it is important to word things wisely, as if you anger one of these type there is no telling what sort of punishment may befall the poor animals.

We need to end the falsehood put on these amazing dogs while working on saving them from dog fighting rings. We need to make it so people welcome them into their home; not grow tense with anxiety because Fox News showed a dog mauling someone to death.

The truth needs to be told and exposed; people need to look at the factual evidence and use it accordingly. Continuing to buy into lies and propaganda because it’s easier makes you guilty of supporting dog abuse, in my opinion.